Hello!! I am druid!

I am working on setting up this web page. Please pardon the debris while I put everything together.

----- Temporary About -----

My webname is druid (they/them)! I am a 20something autistic ADHD wife, graphic designer, and ttrpg enthusiast/player/gm ♥

I learned the littlest bit of HTML when I was 13, after learning basic javascript. This neocities page is a way for me to contribute to the perhipheral web, document some of my life, and get back to my old love of programming - something I haven't done in a while!

This page will be used as a blog, a place to collect writing that I do, and maybe a pseudowiki on my ttrpg characters :) Enjoy!

----- TTRPG Info -----

----- Badge Display -----

Before I even start to make this website look good, I want to make sure it's my own! BEHOLD MY CUSTOM BADGES... and feel free to use them! I would like if you used the badge to link to my site, but I'll never know if you do.